What do you do when you have a back pocket full of cactus? Don't sit down! And that's exactly what I'm going to try to do. Metaphorically. So obviously being at the computer is most likely sitting down (and I know cactus should be cacti but I just like the word cactus better) but in this case I just mean I'm not going to be lazy. When I'm not blogging I'm going to get off my butt and make/do stuff to blog about. So I hope you enjoy all of my posts! You're my motivation!

Saturday, March 17, 2012

First posts are hard. So much I can start with but which makes sense?  I guess my name would be a good one. I'm Shanae.

..And that's all I got..

Haha. Just kiiiding. So, I've decided that in order to introduce myself I should just add a visual that represents me pretty well. And with that, I chose this picture.

I think this photo from my family's Tahoe trip last year represents me in the following distinctive ways:

1. Im casual. Hence my converse.
2. I like bright colors. Hence my nails.
3. I love photography. Hence.. well the picture.
4. I love sunlight. Hence the sun reflecting off my not so tan leg.
5. I like Star Wars. Hence I swear that rock by the water on the right side looks like Yoda missing his left ear.
6. I like adventures like climbing down off the road out onto steep rocks over a rushing river and balance on one leg, throw out a peace sign with one hand and take a pic with nikon in the other.

and lastly

7. (My favorite number) I like a lot of other stuff too. Hence, there's still more to me than what you see in this picture. 

So, with this blog I plan to share all my other interests and somehow organize all the clutter I have in mind. Let's see how it goes ")

Oh and Happy St. Patty's Day!!

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